
“Changes in media consumption. Russian-speaking audiences in Estonia and Latvia”

Our work / Research / “Changes in media consumption. Russian-speaking audiences in Estonia and Latvia”

On June 6, 2023 Baltic Centre for Media Excellence held an online research presentation and discussion titled “Changes in media consumption. Russian-speaking audiences in Estonia and Latvia


Authors of the research – Anda Rožukalne, Professor of the Faculty of Communication, Riga Stradins University and Public Electronic Media Ombudsman and Andres Joesaar, Advisor (media), Ministry of Culture and Associate Professor of Media Policies, Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media and Arts School - shared their findings in Latvia and Estonia on the media consumption of Russian audiences. After the presentation, Q&A session moderated by Executive Director of BCME, Gunta Sloga was held.


“Key factors driving news fatigue are media-saturated environment causing inability to follow and adjust to continuous big changes and leading to the mood disorders – depression, despair, and apathy, annoyance, and rejection.” Andres Joesaar

“A new "people's theory" is emerging that the media cannot be independent at all. This mirrors what was found in other studies, that there is an instrumentalized view on media operations.” Anda Rožukalne


To learn more about the findings, we invite you to watch whole presentation and to take a look at authors presentations (available for download below).


The research is supported by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the EEA and the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2023.



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