Media Literacy
Network Crime
The virtual adventure game Noziegums tīklā (Network Crime) created by the BCME in partnership with SkeptiCafe discussion club and the local branch of the School of Data network, invited participants of the popular conversation festival Lampa to solve a digital crime by using evidence scattered all over the venue. Critical thinking skills and the ability to tell facts from fakes were essential to solving the mystery.
Media Literacy
Influential and sustainable? Lessons learned from research on media literacy projects in Latvia
Influential and sustainable? Lessons learned from research on media literacy projects in Latvia
Media Literacy
Cognitive Biases and Logic Pitfalls: Behind Reasoning and Decision-Making
Cognitive Biases and Logic Pitfalls: Behind Reasoning and Decision-Making
Media Literacy
Mindfulness Online: Your Guide to Digital Well-Being
Mindfulness Online: Your Guide to Digital Well-Being