Media Trainings
"Digital Sherlocks" programme
Baltic Centre for Media Excellence (BCME) in cooperation with the UK Embassy in Riga anounces a call for local minority media outlets from Latvia.
Print, TV, radio, online portals, social networking platforms, as well as combinations of the above types may apply for a "Digital Sherlocks" programme that seeks to support media outlets in Latvia that work in minority languages (mainly in Russian), to strenghten their ability to work on the following subject: disinformation resilience, fact checking and debunking.
We offer:
Join us for seminars and microgrant kick-off evets (in Russian):
February 9, 09:30
"Debunking and disinformation resilience." by Nika Aleksejeva, Senior Researcher at DRFlab and Expert at NATO StratCom COE. (please register here:
February 16, 16:00
"Fact-checking, latest trends and tools." by Ilya Ber, Fact-checker at and Proverenno Media. (please register here:
Project application form can be downloaded bellow, deadline for submition - 23:59, February 16, 2023.
Media Trainings
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