Eastern Partnership
Gap Analysis of the Independent Media Skills and Needs in the Eastern Partnership 2021
The Gap Analysis of Independent Media Skills and Needs in the Eastern Partnership 2021 Update report is designed to measure progress in skill development, track changes in donor responses, and map potential new gaps in the independent media skill set using the 2016 findings as a baseline.
The first Gap Analysis of the Independent Russian-language Media Skill Set in the Eastern Partnership was commissioned by the Baltic Centre for Media Excellence in 2016, with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy. The aim of the study was to produce a tool for the design of future projects and initiatives to support independent media, to inform donor policy choices and to create a baseline for future assessment of progress.
The research team and BCME have determined that this year’s research will compare developments and progress with the baseline study (conducted in the summer/autumn of 2016 and presented in early 2017), instead of tracking only interim changes since the release of the most recent update conducted in late 2019.
Research Template.pdf
Overview & Recommendations.pdf
Eastern Partnership
“Gap Analysis of the Independent Media Skills and Needs in the Eastern Partnership 2023”
“Gap Analysis of the Independent Media Skills and Needs in the Eastern Partnership 2023”
Eastern Partnership
International Conference: Comprehensive Approach and Advancement of Media Literacy in Georgia, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine
International Conference: Comprehensive Approach and Advancement of Media Literacy in Georgia, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine
Eastern Partnership
Public Discussion: “Comprehensive Approach and Advancement of Media and Information Literacy in Moldova”, 17 November 2021
Public Discussion: “Comprehensive Approach and Advancement of Media and Information Literacy in Moldova”, 17 November 2021