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Media Trainings

/ Our work / Media Trainings

Media training has been at the core of the BCME’s activities over the years and our aim has always been to support the growth and development of a resilient media sector in the Baltic states. We deliver needs-based training sessions to the editorial departments of independent national and local media, gather intelligence on regional media trends and skills, and research media audiences, with a focus on those most vulnerable to propaganda messages. Our approach is long-term based, and we are keen to build strong and lasting relationships with the newsrooms of both public service media organizations and regional media outlets.

We usually work individually with newsrooms, fine-tuning each workshop or consultancy to their requests and ambitions, but also bring them together for a conversation on pressing issues in today’s journalism, thereby contributing to building a stronger journalistic community.

Our trainers are internationally acclaimed professionals who provide both specifically targeted training sessions and long-term embedded mentorships. During the sessions, we focus on hands-on training, real stories and immediate application of new knowledge and skills in daily assignments. 

Our trainings cover the following areas and topics - Mobile journalism, 360 video, Multimedia storytelling. Innovative technologies of modern broadcasting, TV production, Presenting skills, Podcast production, Visual journalism, Audience research, Digital tools for journalists. Contemporary print and web design. Social media monetization, Social media for journalists, Investigative journalism, Data journalism, Business and economic journalism, Legal aspects in journalism, Interview techniques and International news coverage.

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