Media Innovations

Call for proposals - national and public media in the Baltic countries

Our work / Media innovations / Call for proposals - national and public media in the Baltic countries

Call for proposals - national and public media in the Baltic countries

Internews is pleased to announce a call for proposals aimed at supporting national and public media in the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). This initiative focuses on media outlets producing content for Russian- and/or Polish-speaking audiences within these countries.




Key Information:


  • Competition Details: Comprehensive information about the competition, as well as the necessary application and budget templates, are provided in the attached files.
  • Languages: All documents are currently available in English. If you require the documents in Russian or Polish, please request them by emailing:
  • Application Submission: Applications can be submitted in English, Russian, or Polish.
  • Contact for Questions: For any questions regarding this competition, please contact:
  • Submission Deadline: The deadline for submitting applications is June 17, 2024.
  • Submission Email: All applications should be sent to



We look forward to receiving your proposals!

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