Media Innovations
Open Call for Grant Applications: Supporting Minority-Language Media in the Baltic Region
The Baltic Centre for Media Excellence (BCME) is excited to announce a small-grant opportunity to support minority-language media outlets, with a special focus on Russian-language media, registered and operating in the Baltic countries.
Newsrooms of any size, registered and producing content in Russian, primarily serving audiences in the Baltic states.
This grant supports a wide range of initiatives aimed at enhancing the operations and sustainability of your media outlet. Activities may include, but are not limited to:
1. Complete the attached application form.
2. Prepare detailed budget breakdown form;
3. Submit all documents by December 17, 2024 to
We look forward to your applications! For any questions, feel free to contact us.
Media Innovations
Call for proposals - national and public media in the Baltic countries
Call for proposals - national and public media in the Baltic countries
Media Innovations
Call for Proposals for Individual Content Producer in the Baltics
Call for Proposals for Individual Content Producer in the Baltics
Media Innovations
More podcasts? Yes, please!
More podcasts? Yes, please!